Bogumiła Ratajczak zapis graficzny

Hi. My name is Bogumiła Ratajczak.

I translate complex content into simple drawings. Drawings that capture attention, evoke emotions and etch into memory.

My mission is to improve communication through accurate visualization of thoughts.

I believe in the power of image

I graduated in ethnology from the University of Warsaw. There I learned insight, listening and drawing conclusions – key skills in business drawing. Working in a corporation as a manager of the Creative Team gave me the knowledge of an apt advertising message, which I use today to create graphics.

The experience gained from creating ads and working with the team showed me how important image is in communication. That’s how the idea for BoRadoodles was born. BoRa – Bogumiła Ratajczak. Doodle – are drawings that represent your thoughts in an accurate way.

I believe mind maps are a powerful communication tool. They help to understand complex content. Build commitment. Inspire.

Bogumiła Ratajczak - Graphic Recording
Bogumiła Ratajczak - zapis graficzny

I visualize ideas, processes, information

In BoRadoodles I create:
Graphic Recordingat conferences, company meetings, brainstorming sessions;

Visual notes from webinars, podcasts, procedures;

business infographics.

I work with:
companies (e.g. PZU, Fujitsu, Ecovadis);
cultural institutions (e.g.. the National Institute of Music and Dance);
foundations (e.g. Dorastaj z Nami, Fundacja Inkubator Technologiczny, Fundacja Inicjatyw Społecznych);
universities (e.g.the University of Warsaw, the University of Wroclaw);
local governments (e.g. the Warsaw City Hall, the Marshal’s Office of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship).

I take colors from life

Ideation is my number 1 talent according to the Gallup test. I have a head full of ideas. I am fascinated by new ideas and exploring the world.

I bake homemade sourdough breads. I relax to the melodic sounds of jazz. I explore farther and closer neighborhoods during inspiring excursions. I’m enjoying life.

Do you need a graphic recorder for your event?
Do you have ideas on how to improve communication in your company using mind maps?
Feel free to contact me.