Graphic Recording - zapis graficzny Polska

Do you organize a company meeting, conference or workshop? Do you run webinars or debates? You want to celebrate your event with something special, make a gift for the participants, which they will remember.

What is Graphic Recording?

Graphic Recording is the art of capturing the key ideas from a meeting, workshop, or conference in a visually appealing way. It is a combination of drawing, sketching, writing, and visual storytelling to create a record of the event that is both informative and engaging. Thanks to unique takeaways, you will easy bring to mind the key points from the event.

Graphic Recording konferencji firmowej

Benefits of Graphic Recording

Graphic Recording

Increases engagement during your event

Graphic Recording warsztatów

Promotes discussion and collaboration

Graphic Recording podcastów

Brings you closer to important conclusions

graphic recording konferencji

Connects various ideas and shows the big picture

Graphic Recording webinarów

Creates a memorable record of the event

graphic recording spotkań

Can be used for marketing purposes

How can you use amazing takeaways created during Graphic Recording?

Graphic Recording is a powerful tool that captures the key ideas. Here are same ways to make the most of visual summaries.

Send graphics via email to participants as a summary to bring back pleasant memories and maintain contact.

Present visual notes to speakers or stakeholders to strengthen relations.

Display the graphics in the workplace – make a poster gallery on the wall.

Use the graphics in powerpoint presentations.

Post the graphics on social media – visual summaries are eagerly commented on and shared.

What events can be celebrated with Graphic Recording?


Company meetings








The tools I use

Paper. I draw on a flipchart, paper stuck to the wall or to the board.

iPad. On the iPad I create a graphic recording in digital format (jpg, png, pdf).

Our cooperation process

Graphic Recording - rysowanie na żywo podczas konferencji

We discuss the details/
briefing sessions

Graphic Recording

I’m preparing
for the event

Graphic Recording - mapy myśli ze spotkań

I’m caputring
the essence during the event

Graphic Recording - mind mapy ze spotkań

I deliver illustrations

Graphic Recording - rysunkowe podsumowania konferencji

I’m sending the invoice for payment

What do I need to prepare for Graphic Recording?

Purpose. To capture the most valuable thoughts, at the beginning I ask about the purpose – what are the notes supposed to be used for, how the event organizer wants to use them later.

Place. Will the event be held online or in person? If stationary, where.

Time. The planned date of the event. How long will the event last? How many blocks/panels/speakers will there be?

Agenda. Before the event, I study the agenda and explore the topic as much as possible. I also learn technical terms used in the field. Ideally, if I have presentations of the speakers’ speeches beforehand. But I also draw events which are dynamic and it is impossible to fully predict their course in advance.

Medium. Paper or iPad.

Font. When recording digitally on the iPad, I ask about font preferences (e.g. special company font or handwriting font).

Colors of visual maps – f.e. company colors, conference colors or maybe colors harmonizing with the theme.

Speakers. Should there be cartoon of the speakers in the graphics? If so, I need photos of the speakers in good resolution.

Style. Which of my works be considered a reference style?

Logo.What logo should be on the graphic?

Languages I work in

I capture the essence in Polish or English.

How much does Graphic Recording cost?

I price the Graphic Recording service individually. The price depends on the following factors.

Place. Will the event be held online or in person? If stationary, where.

Time. Date of the event. How long will the event last? How many blocks/panels/speakers are planned?

Number of mind maps. How many visual notes are to be created during the event?

Topic. I prepare for each event in advance – I get acquainted with the subject and technical/special vocabulary.

Language. Will the event be held in Polish or English?

How do I know what to draw during the event?

I’m listening. Listening is one of the key competences that a professional graphic recorder must have. Listening to the needs of the event organizer. Listening to the speaker/participants to extract the densest essence and illustrate the most important information.

What does my work look like? Graphic Recording during CreativeMornings Warsaw

Selected events I supported with graphic recording

ABSL Summmit – Cracow

Graphic Recording ABSL Summit - Kraków

Łódź Design Festival

Graphic Recording Łódź Design Festival

3rd Dance Congress – Katowice

Graphic Recording Katowice Trzeci Kongres Tańca

Paweł Tkaczyk’s webinar

Notatka graficzna z webinaru - Paweł Tkaczyk

HR Conference – Warsaw

Graphic Recording Konferencja HR Kadry Płace

9# Technology Review

Graphic Recording 9 Przegląd Technologiczny Warszawa

Lean Conference – Yokoten – Lublin

Zapis graficzny konferencji Lublin

Euroclear corporate meeting – Kraków

Graphic Recording spotkania firmowego Kraków

MSODI networking meetings

Graphic Recording spotkania

CreativeMornings Warsaw

Graphic Recording Warszawa

SaunaGrow – Podcast

Graphic Recording podcastu SaunaGrow - notatki wizualne

Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa – Podcast

Graphic Recording podcastu Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa - notatki wizualne

European Economic Congress – Katowice

Gaphic Recording - Europejski Kongres Gospodarczy - Katowice

CreativeMornings Warsaw

graphic recording creativemornings warsaw

Spoc Servicenow Meetup & Hackathon – Poznań

Graphic Recording Poznań

“How to manage time and emotions?” Workshops

Graphic Recording warsztatów online

Household Articles Congress – Łódź

Graphic Recording - Kongres Agd Łódź

FISE Workshops

Gaphic Recording - notatki graficzne z warsztatów

European Capital of Volunteering – Gdańsk

Graphic Recording Warsztatów Gdańsk

“Energy from scratch” Conference

Graphic Recording Debaty Energetyka